Friday, March 30, 2007

Song of the Year

The band All Star United has released some good and fun songs over the years. Unfortunately I've sometimes found them to toe the line a little bit with their humor. On the whole, though, they write some memorable songs and songs that tend to speak to some of the trends in the Christian world. They have an album coming out in a few weeks and one of the songs is called "Song of the Year." Written by Ian Eskelin, who does most of all of the band's writing, it pokes fun at the trend of handing out awards for the best worship music. Here is a portion of the lyrics:

This is the song of the year
Let the message be clear
I don't need you to adore me
Cause it's all about God's glory
Something's gone really wrong
If we're chasing the song of the year

Testimony TestimonyTestimony Testimony
I'll never be the same
Holy holy worthy worthy
something something something something
That rhymes with Jesus' name

It's the song of the year
But God's still unimpressed
With our radio success
This is the song of the year
Let the message be clear
I don't need you to adore me
Cause it's all about God's glory
Angel choirs sing along
If it's really the song of the year.

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